Guided Meditation during pregnancy
Meditation during pregnancy helps you turn your attention inwards, to drop down from thinking to feeling and to be in a harmonious connection and communication with your baby.
In the regular check ups you look at your baby from the outside, using ultrasound examination and CTG. Meditation gives you an additional opportunity to connect with your baby from the inside, and to experience your pregnancy from another perspective. When you place the attention within you become more sensitive, the connection with your body, your intuition, your inner voice increases. This can provide you with trust and security for your journey into motherhood, and to make decisions out of your gut feeling.
Meditation is especially helpful for labor, in order to be present, totally involved in the moment and to enter into your inner space. In the state of meditation the perception and intensity of pain changes, and you can flow with the waves of birth more easily.
I offer meditation as Personal Sessions in the comfort of your own home, in open nature or in a studio in Mallorca.

Partner Meditation Session
Have you considered consciously preparing yourself, and your partner or birth companion, for your pregnancy and birth? In everyday life there is not much time for togetherness, do you often find yourself longing for more conscious sharing and deeper connection?
In a partner meditation session you can meet the other in a safe and sacred space, allowing your hearts to speak and already experience the unity with your baby.
I offer partner meditation sessions in the comfort of your own home, in open nature or in a studio here in Mallorca.